


Graiman, the leading manufacturer of ceramic products in Ecuador, entrusted us for the third year with the production of its institutional advertising campaign.

The guiding concept "Author Spaces" was developed, in which we placed the consumer at the centre of the campaign, showing them the way to turn their spaces into reality using Graiman products.

On this occasion, in addition to ceramic products, the client wanted to introduce a new line of products (taps, bathtubs, sinks, etc.) aimed at bathrooms and kitchens, so we created two very different spots.



The aim of the bathroom spot was to introduce the Graiman Water Line, a sector that the public had not yet associated with the brand. Close-ups of sinks, taps, bathtubs and, of course, floor and wall tiles, were the backdrop against which a series of everyday situations were developed in order to empathise with the viewers.



The Author Spaces campaign does not end with the broadcasting of the spots. It has continuity in different spaces, such as the press or social networks. For these campaigns we needed general shots of the rooms where the spot was filmed, so our architecture and interior design team had to faithfully reflect each of the areas of the house in 3D.



At last it was our photography team's turn. For the press and social media campaigns, we needed images of the actors performing the same everyday situations as in the spots. A major challenge as we had to synthesise an entire scene in a static image. For this, we carried out some shooting sessions with the actors and the Graiman product, with a very satisfactory result.